Capt. Bligh Hints for an outfit', being suggestions made by William Bligh for the second breadfruit voyage, ca March 1791 (Series 49.05) - No. 0001

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Ship should be about 350 Tons — Three Decks about 90 Men including 20 Marines [indecipherable] Lieuts & Officers & establishment as Capt. Cook

To be fitted under my directions at Deptford

Sail from England in April or May - by the Cape of Good Hope. —

A small Vessel with about 30 Men would be of use & may enable me more effectually to render the navigation of Endeavour Streights less hazardous, & an elligible & expeditious pass for ships home from Botany Bay

This Vessel is to be so insignificant as to have nothing expected from her but from my application & use - otherwise I wish to be without her. —

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