Letter received by Banks from William Bligh, 23 January 1793 (Series 50.22) - No. 0001

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St. Vincents Jany. 23rd. 1793

My Dear Sir

                 I again give you joy of the Breadfruit fruit plants being in great perfection - I have now 551 Vessels containing 670 Plants by which you will observe I expected too much when I wrote to you from St. Helena. I arrived here last Night at 11 O'Clock & this morning find a ship to Liverpool is getting under way & cannot resist writing to you. Dr Anderson is just come on board & is highly delighted with the show - Including curiosity as we call them, I have in all 1249 & 1186 of which are Fruit. - I left Otaheite the 19 July & Passed through between New Holland & New Guinea meeting with many difficulties. I am but seldom well, the heat destroys me with a dreadfull Head Ach, but I am happy that my anxious cases are so far crowned with success. I am here before my time one month, but this I hope will be an agreeable surprise to you. - I shall write you again in the course of a few days by another Liverpool Ship. With a most anxious wish to see you I remain
My Dear sir
Your most affectionate
Hmble servant
Wm Bligh

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