Letter received by Banks from WilliamBligh, 3 October 1787 (Series 46.05) - No. 0001

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No 3

No 4 Broad Street
St George's East

October 3rd. 1787


It gave me much pleasure to receive your last letter as it was an approbation of the manner I had conducted myself in the busyness of the voyage. I have now 18 months provisions, and which will be the total of what the ship will stow. - All other necessaries are on board except a few trifling things, and I told Mr Stephens today  I should move the ship from Deptford [London] on Saturday or Sunday & proceed to the Noure [Nore? - at the mouth of the Thames]

I am very much obliged to your for granting me the Ephemerus and other things and hope the use I shall make of them will be very much to your satisfaction.  – Mr Stephens told me it would be next week that I should have my instructions. – They are now exceedingly hurried and are hourly putting ships into commission and a War considered as certain, and if this should be the case, pray Sir could I not hope that my Lord Howe, as other promotions would take place, might be prevailed on to give me rank as Master & Commander, considering  that I was going out of the immediate chance of promotion, and the great advantage of being in the beginning of a War. – I have taken the

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