State Library of NSW
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Port Jackson 17th March 1795
I take this opportunity of writing you by way of Bengal probably the most expeditious conveyance we are likely to have for some time being very uncertain when any ships may arrive in this Colony & return direct for Europe.
Since my last letter by the Daedalus which I hope you have received safe, my time has been so much employed in the business of the that I have not had a moment to my self so that my favourite pursuits stand still. I have however the satisfaction to say that every thing is carried on with as much success as can be wished for.
The new settlement on the River Hawkesbury flourishes beyond expectation and so many people daily flocking to it that I found it necessary to send a Sergt. & ten privates for their protection. A store is also built with accomodations for the Guard and a Superintendant who takes charge of the provisions. The Colonial Vessel has been there with three months provisions & found no difficulty in reaching the settlement which is within twelve miles of Richmond Hill and nearly one Hundred miles from Broken Bay. As the Vessel was so far on her way I directed her to take a survey of Port Stephens & sent Mr. Grimes the Deputy Surveyor Genl. to make what remarks he could that I might be able to give Govr. Hunter some account of it on his arrival. It however pretty certain from the enclosed memorandum that it never can be of any use to this Colony. The fresh water I am of opinion issues through some subterraneous passage as the rocks are composed chiefly of Basaltes & a quantity of lava found scattered about the shore. The schooner is
April 9 1796 June 12 96
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