List of Plants Collected in the East [?]...', 4 October 1784 (Series 22.02) - No. 0001

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List of Plants Collected in the East [Fen?] Octr 4 1784

Utricularia vulgaris 
Arundo Epigers. . .  . . . Alain
Schoenus mariscus 
Selinum palustre 
Cicuta vinosa 
Vaccinum oxycoccus [oxycoccos]
Comarum palustre
Stratistes aloides [Statiotes] . . . . . . creels
Teuerium scerdium
Lathyrus palustris 
Bidens minima
Cineraria palustris
Cares paniculata
Littorella lacustris 
Osmunda regalis 
88. Eriophonem vaginatum 


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