State Library of NSW
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found no difficulty in scratching their Way. Their holes are about 3 feet long, and on a gradual descent. About the middle of April there were vast numbers of Eggs taken, both from the Holes and Birds, which, if possible, were now thicker than ever. It would be impossible for me to give an account of either the quantity of Birds or Eggs: I can only say that, while the Birds laid them (which was from the middle of May to the beginning of June) there was no scarcity in any part of the town, and were bartered at a very cheap rate. On the 19th of April, the Birds became so very plentiful (and our Store so lean) the Governor issued out a conditional Order, that if every person would give up half a pound of his salt Meat a Week, they might kill and bring home as many Birds from the Mount as they pleased (as long as it did not interfere with their Work). Being, before this, restricted, by allowing so many Persons to go out at a time, and that quantity issued out by the Store Keeper to every individual; this being agreed to, instantly took place, and the slaughter, and nightly havock is, beyond Description. It is worthy of Remark that these Birds were coming in when our sad and melancholy Catastrophe happened. And were very scarce at the arrival of relief. Nothing could have been better timed, and, though rather paradoxical, everything happened as favourably as could be: the Birds as above; the Ship being cast away in the only spot where there would be the least chance of saving either our People or the Provisions; all our Men keeping health to the last; and our Crops in a most flourishing State at the reliefs arrival
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