Memoranda concerning La Perouse, Norfolk Island and the ships of the Second Fleet, ca December 1790 (Series 35.14) - No. 0002

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Norfolk Isle is 14,000 acres
6 miles by 4
Mount pit  is 20 fathoms high
Pines 200 feet high, 2 to 8 diameter
Turpentine milk white & will not melt
from Sepr. 23, 89 to Feb 22  '90, only 2 days rain in December.  Feb to August rainy season, no Frost from April to July
Tide rises 7 feet
Wheat 20 fold
vines, oranges, lemons Bananas,
Potatoes, 120 or one sort  [indecipherable]
Pumkins Fern trees Rice
30 acres cleard public
18 acres cleard Private
Would have had 50 to 70 by October
2/3 with indian corn
Norfolk Isle can maintain 100 Families 100 acres to each
2000 acres left for fuel
498 persons left 100 women

12th April 2½ flour 2 Pork 2 Rice for 7 men at which rate they will last
Pork 26 Augst  Rice 13 Sept. flour 19  Decr
Hurricane month Isle of France
october november december

Dec. 1790


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