Letter received by Banks from William Townsend Aiton, 13 February1819 (Series 72.001) - No. 0001

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The Letters received & to be acknowledged from Dr Wallich returned enclosed, are of date as follows - January 6th 10th 15th 24th 25th 27th & 16th & 20th Feb.y 1818, referring to Cases of plants sent home in the following Ships 

Caledonia Capt. Hale.  Heywood Capt.Hamsworth, Earl Morley Capt. Craig. Cornwall. Capt. Wilson.  Northumbian Capt. Lawson. Thalia Capt. Herbert. Metcalf Capt - -.  Harmony Capt. Wishart - and to various packages of Seeds directed for Kew Garden collected in the Nepaul [Nepal] & other parts of India, and the Doctor further refers to the Ship Warren Hastings, as having 12 Cases of living plants for Kew Gardens these have not yet arrived.

In regard to particulars of the various plants sent home by Dr. Wallich to Kew Gardens;  it must be noticed with due respect that the greatest pains in their Selection & planting in the Boxes are evident. and that acknowledgments are due to the Captains of Ships by whom these Boxes have been conveyed, & notwithstanding, the greatest Care has been given them during the Voyage, still a number of the plants have failed as is commonly the Case with transports of this description - to enumerate the several all the plants which have succeeded will be difficult owing to the method adopted by Dr. Wallich, being that of numbering the plants to a Bamboo stick stuck into the Ground to each Individual, & which by curiosity of some persons on board the Vessels or from other circumstances not to be accounted for, the Number stick is often removed from the Original plant by which means the reference has become doubtful; - in this place I observe that it will be adviseable to recommend Dr. Wallich to adopt your own method of tying with a bit of Brass Wire, a Lead label to every plant in the Box that will admit of it.

Enclosed is a List of a few of many species that have reached Kew alive, and are flourishing in the Garden. With respect to the Seeds of which our Garden Book will vouch for 500 papers & upwards received many of which have come up & more are to be expected upon the return of Spring, I cannot refrain the mention of Rhododendron Arboreum in particular, Seeds of which have Vegetated into a nest of beautiful plants, promising to become established at Kew.  Several species of the Orchideae sent home by Dr. Wallich are in a flourishing state, but the greater part of his numerous donation of this tribe, have perished during the Voyage.  The method I would recommend, is a trial of with this tribe, to be packed in dry Moss in a Box nailed close down, still however continuing that method of Dr. Wallich's with duplicates to each.  

I would further advise that the plants in general are well established & rooted in the Boxes previously & that a request be made to the Captains of Ships that Water be not too liberally given over the Earth, during the Voyage.

W. T. Aiton.

Submitted 13 Febry 1819

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