Letter received by Daniel Solander from Johann Reinhold Forster,August 1776 (Series 72.037) - No. 0001

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[Aug. 1776]

Dear Sir

As I dont know whether Mr Banks be in or not, I take the Liberty to direct these Lines to You.  Mr Banks when at my house, desired me not to be too precipitate in regard to the Affair of the proof-Sheets & Impressions of plates which were promised me by His Lordship & Capt. Cook; & gave me to understand that this Affair might be settled to my satisfaction, as Lord Sandwich had allways declared I should have the plates & proof Sheets for the two Translations. I have postponed to send to His Lordship a Letter which I then had ready and will be passive provided Mr Banks will undertake that kind Service to me and procure me from His Lordship by Wednesday

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