Letter received by Banks from Jonas Dryander, 14 August 1788 (Series 72.025) - No. 0001

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Dear Sir,

The things you have ordered will be sent by Saturday's waggon, but the table has been sent by Wednesday's waggon, so that they must go in a box by themselves.

A box is come from the Customhouse, together with a letter, in which the key was, which I opened to get the key, and found it to be a note from Mr Maclane that he sends the box you had wrote to him about. In the box I found volumes of Meterorological journals, and several small boxes, of which I opened only one and found some gimcrack, I neither understood nor know any thing of. The letter will come with the next parcel.

The journal of the Tibet journey is come back, together with a letter, which I also will send then, not having room in the trunk.

A Parcel is come, containing a manuscript, in 4to entitled:  A  course of electrical microscopical experiments - presented to Sir J. B. - by Stephen Thorogood, dated Vienna June 28 1788, without any letter with it.  An other parcel containing a manuscript in 4to on artificial harbours for Ships in deep water, with a letter, which I will send on Monday.

A parcel of Bibles from the book society.

No 36 & 55 of the annals of Agriculture, which I suppose you have already.

My best respects writ on the Ladies and I am with great respect

Dear Sir,
Your most obedient and
most humble servant 

Jn Dryander

London May 14 1788



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