Letter received by Banks from James Edward Smith, 2 April1787 (Series 72.158) - No. 0003

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of Rome & Florence, & another small one likewise new, Anemone apperima, Scilla bifolia & Iria Bulbocodium are every where. 

     Here is a portuguese Abbè named Corrèa who many years ago corresponded with Linnaeus, & is very fond of botany as well as a good botanist;  I expect he will be of use in his own country to which he returns soon;  he has been of great service to me here;  I know him at Paris, where he was rather more partial to Tussieu than to L'Heritier, thinking the former illiberally persecuted, but of this I shall have much to say hereafter, this is between ourselves.  The Abbè Fontana shewed me great attention at Florence, & procured me a sight of Micheli's museum, but it is in so confused & intricate a condition that I could not verify any synonyms.  Mr Fontany desired his particular comp.s [compliments] to you.  Every body [indecipherable] after your work with the utmost [indecipherable].  I venture to tell them that I hope they will soon be gratified with it.  Dr Batt at Genoa a schoolfellow of yours desired me to recall him to your remembrance, he is a most ingenious & friendly man, but his superior knowledge has created him many enemies among the Genoese physicians. The Durazzos are making very laudable efforts to promote science, especially natural history, in their country;  we spent 3 weeks at Genoa & were almost always at their house.   We have seen with infinite pleasure all the principal curiosities of the parts of Italy we have passed thro', & shall make our tour very compleat, as we return by Loretto [Loreto], Bologna, Venice, Padua, Milan, Turin, Switzerland &c; we leave Rome finally about the end of April.   If you have any commands for me a letter directed chez Mons.r Oriani Astronome royal à Milan will meet me the end of May, or it may be better to direct to me chez Mess.rs Malanot & Mayhit à Turin, where I shall go from Milan.

      I have never heard a word from Paris, so am quite ignorant of w.t [what] L'Heritier is doing.  I wish very much to know whether Dr Grey is put into Maty's place at the Museum, & who succeeds Grey; suppose the matter is determined long ago.  I dont know whether I ought to think

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