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by heart, yet all we have got hitherto are
Nº. 825 Maratti de vera florum existentia in dorsiferis, Roma 1760. 8.vo
51 Baldi Opobalsami orientalis propugnationas. Roma 1640. 4.to
217 Campi at Sig. Manfredi in risposta ad alcune objetti [oggetti] 1640. [for Mr. Manfredi in response to a few objects]
218 - inlucid. di alcune cose nella risposta &c - Pis: 1641 [in regards to things within the response]
314 Donzelli Tos. Synopsis de opobalsamo. Neap: 1640
315 - additio &c.
The 5 latter are in a volume together with some other things on the same subject which, if you do not want, I shall keep. I have packed them up with Mathiolus, some dried plants & other things in a box which I have taken the liberty of directing to you & w.ch [which] Abbe Pacifico will send by the first ship to a merch.t [merchant] in London who will convey it to your house; any expences I will thankfully repay, & if you will give the box house-room till my return shall be much obliged to you; in the mean time Mr. Dryander may amuse himself with separating the dissertations, but I wish nobody to know what a hoard of Targionia there is in the box, therefore request him to keep it snug. Maratti's work is here with me & I cannot convey it to you at pres.t [present]; 'tis very trifling. I desired Mr. Marsham to tell you about Spalanzani, [Spallanzani] have heard no more particulars, but I fear there is much malice in the case, perhaps on both sides. We take Pavia in our return. I was much pleased with Gerard with whom I spent two days, & I got something even from Gonan. Provence is the finest country I have yet seen for Botany, but I am told Naples & its environs, are richer, even so far as to vie with Sicily. I am almost persuaded that Agave americana is a native of these countries, the proofs are too long to produce at pres.t [present], but among others I think I detected a figure or 2 of it among the ancient paintings at Pompeia [Pompei], if so it could not come from America. A most curious new Hypnum (calyptrâ pilosâ) is common on the trees