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Duranta's, &c &c. I am not sure that I should not risque something desperate to keep the whole in Engl:d [England] at pres:t, I dont mean any thing to the prejudice of those to whom ye treasure belongs, but to prevent their hurting themselves by their own pusillanimity. You will weigh the whole, & are a much better judge of it than I can be. After having given you all this trouble will you excuse my incroaching still farther on yr patience? In consequence of Brouss:t's [Broussonet's] kind invitation I go with him to Montpelier on the 8th or 10th of Oct:r to stay a fortnight, then shall proceed to Genoa to see Marquis Durazzo, & afterwards, as I hope, to Rome & Naples; if it be not improper I shall be extremely obliged to you for an introduction to S:r W. Hamilton; as my journey is not absolutely certain, it had better be only a line; if you have any particular commands I'll take care to forward them punctually & without delay; if any thing occurs by which I can be useful to you in any part of my tour, I need not say you may command me. I hope we shall both reap some harvest from it. Is not Mr Greville in Italy? I wish the first contents of this letter to remain secret, even Broussonet knows nothing of my writing them; if you
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