Letter received by Banks from the Duke of Portland, 9 February1799 (Series 72.136) - No. 0003

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Sir J.B. presents his Compt. to the D. of P. & begs his Grace to accept his best thanks for the valuable & highly gratifying present he has received of Mr. Bruces usefull [useful] Compilation on the Subject of the Union.

 Sir J. on this occasion forbears to offer his Testimony to the Zeal the perseverance & the Ability of Mr. B. who has executed the task last assignd to him & performd some others before as interesting under infinite disadvantage owing to the want of arrangement among the State papers, the value of which for the purpose of furnishing information to Government seems to have been for many years neglected tho actualy above all Calculation.

Sir Jos: takes the liberty also to offer a hope that the arrangement to enable Mr. Bruce to enter with Credit to himself on his Duty as keeper of these Records by putting them into order & Forming paper Calendars, which arrangement appeard [appeared] to him to be finaly settled in the Course of the Last Summary may be carried into actual execution before Mr. B is calld [called] upon to make another report.

S.S. [Soho Square]
Feb 15 1799

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