Letter received by Banks from Daniel Solander, July 1775 (Series 72.179) - No. 0001

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My Dear SIr

        Dr Pitcairn called upon me this morning and shewd me a Letter from a correspondent of his in Switzerland, the contents whereof he desired me to communicate to you.  A Botanical  Gentleman at Bern is lately dead, and has left behind him a Collection of dried Plants divided into 42 volumes.  It consists of 5 or 6000 specimens - said to be compleat  in regard to alpin and Switzerland plants, but also contain many others.  It is upon sale, and offer'd to Dr Pitcairn, they have not fixed any price upon the whole, but he may pick out what he pleases at the rate of 18 shilling pr hundred - which I think is very cheap. The Plants are named according to Haller.  He does not make any collection himself

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