Letter received by Banks from Daniel Solander, 28 June 1775(Series 72.178) - No. 0003

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Riddell upon white boat at Greenwich;  and next Friday Capt Riddell gives a Dinner on board to the Ship-owners and their Friends, to which you have had an Invitation.  Capt Chipp & myself are to be Yr representatives.

          We go on pretty well in Drawing & Engraving, but Mr. Van ... will hardly have finish'd the [indecipherable] at your return, he works hard till 5 oClock, but is immensley slow.  The Engravers are still at Your house - which will be best as long as your servants are in town, &c.

          As no news has lately transpired from America the Town talks now of nothing but the Dispute about the Regatta prices & the City remonstrance - 8º -1. was the Regatta prices. They are not yet distributed because a dispute has arisen about among the Claimants.  It was stipulated that the wager Boats were to set out from the Center arch and of W/mstr [Westminster] Bridge and come in through the same.  In coming up they observed a Barge choaking up the Center arch and therefore all but one rowed up through another arch - and that one who came up the Center arch was the last Boat, and now claims the price as the only one who fullfill'd the conditions.  A Jury of old watermen are to decide the matter to morrow. As far

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