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Notwithstanding the Vigilance of his Excellence le Comte D'Azambusio, however we ventur'd ashore each of us once: & had several parcels of plants brought off to us under the title of grass for our cattle: as we were absolutely forbid to have them under any other Denomination.
The abject slavery of the Portuguese in this Colony, is beyond imagination: suffice it to say, that to prevent any attempt against Government, every officer & other person of any Distinction; is oblig'd to attend the Levee of the Viceroy twice every day; under penalty of his displeasure: which is follow'd by an instant excommunication from all Society. For whoever speaks to a man under these circumstances, is instantly himself under the same.
From these unfriendly & illiberal people, we departed on the 7th of Decr. not forgetting in our way out of the Harbour to land upon a small Island called Raza off the mouth of it where in a few hours we much increased our natural Collections.
On the 15th of january we arriv'd at Terra del Fuego, & soon anchor'd in a small bay near the middle of the Straight le Maire, which had been formerly call'd by the Nassau fleet the Bay of Good Success : here we lay some days in a tolerable Harbour, which offered plenty of wood, & water, & an innumerable quantity of plants incomparably