State Library of NSW
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The two Clerkes of the two ships Mr. W. Dewar & Mr. Greg Bantham have I beleive been very honest servants in their stations, & having by Capt Cook's [indecipherable] very soon by my death lost those, to whom they looked up to for protection are I fear destitute of friends; If it should be in your power to render them any services, I flatter myself they will be worthy of such attention.
If I should recollect anything more to say to you I will trouble my friend Mr. King with it, who is so kind to be my amanuensis on the occasion, he is my very dear & particular friend & I will make no apology in recommending him to a share in your friendship as I am perfectly assured of his being worthy deserving of it, as in that also of the worthy Doctor's.
Now my dear & honoured friend I must bid you a final adieu; may you enjoy many happy years in this world, & in the end attain that fame your indefatigable industry so richly deserves. These are most sincerely the warmest & sincerest wishes of your devoted affectionate & departing servant.
Charles Clerke
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