State Library of NSW
[Page 3]
Nov the 29th
We are now all ready for the Sea and shall certainly this Evening or tomorrow morning proceed.
I was oblig'd to go and get my letter again & make this addition at first arrival here. Mr Brand offer'd to take upon himself the expences of Nelson. I told him there was no necessity for it I shou'd settle all his matters. I have now settled all my accounts &c but just now found that 2 of my Boys had spent all their money & were fairly in pawn, so I thought the easiest way to settle it was to give Brand the receipt of Nelsons for 35 rix dollars which I have here advanc'd him which you will repay take the dollars from him and make him your Creditor for that sum. We are now all hurry so have only time to say adieu adieu for a long and I hope a good Campaigne, adieu.
[In right hand margin] Capt. Clerke May 1777
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