Duplicate letter received by Banks from Arthur Phillip, 20 May 1792 (Series 37.26) - No. 0004

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[Page 4]

Brot up - £6.14.6

Mr Broughton on Capt Nepeans Acct
An old coat, two pairs of breeches
Two waistcoats, Two pair of worsted stockings
Two pair of thread stockings, One piece of Calico (12 yds)
One hat
A box containing sundry trifling articles
A Thermometer
A small trunk

Captain Nepeans Acct
One blue cloth coat, Two waistcoats, Two pair of breeches
Two pair of worsted stockings & two pair of thread
One new leather hat
Two pair of shoes & twelve pair of soles
One box with insects, aparatus for catching ditto
Pins, Braces, Chip boxes, & Cork for preserving ditto
Two empty insect boxes, camphere, gauze and a fine specimen box
One linnen coat, Two waistcoats, Two pair of breeches
Two pair of cotton stockings, Two pair of worsted hose
One pair worsted gloves

Revd Mr Johnsons Acct
One old drab coat, Two waistcoats
Two pair breeches, Two pair Cotton stockings, two pair of worsted stockings, One pair of leather Gloves
One Coat, cloak, and great coat

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