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two Women that had not lost the joints, the Women are Constantly employed in the Canoes where I have seen them when very big with Child, and with very Young Infants at their Breasts. They seem less fond of Ornaments than the Men And I have never Seen them with their hair Ornaments with the Teeth of Dogs, Lobsters, Claws &ca. as the Hair of the Men is frequently Ornamented. I have reason to think that the Men do not want personal Courage they readily place a Confidence, and Appear to be a friendly inoffensive people, unless made Angry, and which the Most trifling Circumstances does at times.
Three Convicts have been Killed by them in the Woods, and I have no doubt but that the Convicts were the Agressors. They burn their Dead, are fond of any very Soft Musick and will attend to a Song, any of the Words of Which they very readily repeat, but we know very little at present of the people, they never Come to the Camp, and I have had few hours to seek them out. There are several roots which they Eat, and I have seen the Bones of the Kangurroo and flying Squirrel at the Entrance of their Huts, but fish is their principal Support, which in this Season is very Scarce, & I believe Many of them are Starving.
Of the Men Convicts Thirty Six died in the Passage with four Women and five Children.
Twenty Men Convicts have died since Landing, Eight Women and Eight Children.
Of the Detachment Four Privates, one Woman & three Children have died since they were Embarked. Twelve Male and one Female Convicts have been Missing some time and are supposed to have Perished in the Woods.
June the 4th 1788 Being His Majesty's Birth Day, the Same was observed with Every Demonstration of Joy our Situation permitted. His Majesty's Ships Sirius and Supply Armed Tender fired each Twenty one Guns at