Letter received by Banks from John Hunter, 1 August 1797 (Series 38.06) - No. 0002

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to Port Jackson for such assistance as it might be possible to procure there. But this Boat was from bad Weather Wreckd between Ld.Howe & Pt. Hicks - & the unfortunate crew who all got on Shore made the best of their way Northward along the Sea Coast; Their Journey was attended with so many fategiving difficultys, that they were not Capable for want of an Equal Share of Strength of keeping together; Many of the number perishd thro fatigue & want of food, whilst others Strugled hard to preserve life & to get Northward, but were so often Annoyd by the Savage Brbarity of the Natives that their Numbers decreasd to five, & latterly to three, who got so near us that a Small Boat being out Catching fish a little to the South of Botany Bay & close in shore, Saw there 3 People Crawling along the Rocky shore & frequently waving to the Boat; they went on shore & pickd up these Men, in a most Wretched & Worne out Condition; One was [indecipherable] Supercargo, one white Seaman, & a Lascar, they were immediatly brought hither and properly taken of; they gave an Account of their having parted Company with the first Mate & the Carpenter the day before & at no great distance from where they had found the fishing Boat: in Consequence of this information, I orderd My own Whale Boat to be immediatly dispatchd with a good Crew & to take this fisher Man with them; Blankets, Cloathing, & such kind of Nourishing food as might be Necessary for People in their Weakly

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