Letter received by Banks from John Hunter, 12 October 1795 (Series 38.01) - No. 0005

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I had almost forgot to give you a piece of intelligence which I am sure you will be much pleasd to understand, because it will no doubt hereafter be of Considerable Consequence & advantage to this Colony.

A Convict Man who had been employ'd in Shooting for one of the Officers here, having wanderd a considerable distance Westward of Parramatta, by the assistance & information of a Native Man who resides much in those Woods, altho he sometimes Visits our Settlements, was directed into a fine open Country situated on the border of a Branch of the R. Hakesbury, in which this Native assurd him he had frequently seen a Number of Animals such as he had found amongst us (Cowes & Bulls) He led the Convict Man to the place in which he had so often mett them - This man having understood that in 1788 We had lost all our Cattle (Viz) 5 Cowes & 2 Bulls) was so Anxious to give the first information of them, He after having Satisfied himself of the truth of this discovery hastend back & mentiond the circumstance to his Master who came immediatly with him to me - I in consequence being desirious of ascertaining how far I might rely upon this Story, directed the same Man with two others in whom I had Confidence together with a Native who knew

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