Letter received by Banks from Elizabeth Bligh, 21 December 1808 (Series 42.05) - No. 0002

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evacuate that Island according to Orders which had been sent from England.   She had left Sydney on the 17th of May & is coming out of the Cove, she passed the Porpoise entering it with Colnl. Paterson on board.  At the time she left Sydney the Governor continued a Prisoner in arrest as when the last heard from him.  All our hopes now rest upon Col. Patersons behaviour to him when he arrives there.   

     I beg leave Dear Sir to mention a report which has given me some uneasiness.  I am told that Genl. Nightingale has been appointed Governor of N. S. Wales in the room of Capt Bligh who is dismissed his Government, but I cannot believe it untill [until] I hear it from better authority.  Mr. Grimes says he has been sent for by the General to give him every necessary information relating to his outfit &c &c.   I am aware of the trouble I must give you were

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