State Library of NSW
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Govr. Hunters Stock when he left the Colony was purchasd by Government his Bullocks were chargd at £87 Each if sold for meat they would fetch £100 a head I suspect that purchasers at that price could not Easily have been found
Capt McArthur proposes to Government to purchase his Stock as below & will they agree to do so give them into the Bargain his arable Farm of 300 acres of Cleard Land & his Grass farms of 1000 acres 100 of which are Cleard and all his Farming buildings
50 Head of Hornd Cattle at at £37 1850. 0. 0 10 Horse at £65 65 650. 0. 0 600 Sheep 2.10 1500. 0. 0 Total £4000. 0. 0
Population of the Colony
men women children Civil & military 476 16 20 Setlers & holding Lands 388 14 0 Free people & Convicts 2171 941 916 Total 3035 971 936 Grand Total 4942
Rates & Wages
for Clearing an acre of Land £5. .3.. 0 Reaping Wheat per acre at Paramatta 13..11 at Hawkesby 2..11.. 6. Sawing Plank per 100 feet 1. 1. 3 Days wages with board 0. 5. 0
Prices of various Articles of importation
BoheeTea per lb from £1..10.0 to £2. 6. 0 Sugar 0. 2. 0 - 0. 2. 8 Soap 0. 4. 2 - 06. 0.
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