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Nº. 40 Cornhill 25th Feby 1802
Particularly Anxious as I have ever been Sir Joseph that my Conduct shoud at all times stand fair in Your opinion, I cannot but feel great Concern & regret, that the Sheet which I took the liberty of sending to you the other day, shoud have been considerd by you as improper, I am sure it must be so as you are of that opinion; I shall only say Sir that the Steps which have appeard for a length of time to have been taken to my injury, had operated so powerfully upon my Mind, and had Effected my Character as an honest & Consciencious Man, & my integrity as an Old Officer to such a degree, that I conceivd there might be no impropriety in fairly stating my Case to some of my friends and Acquaintance, for no other purpose whatever, than to Vindicate my own Conduct & endeavours upon the Service of that Colony to those friends, some of whom were of Opinion that my Character did certainly stand in a Suspected point of View from the Manner in which I had been Calld home; The little Notice taken of my Complaints from that Country, & of my own request since my return, had Justifi'd an opinion that some unfair Steps had been taken here for bringing about my removal, and at the very time too when I was Suffering for the sake of that Service, all the Anxiety which the Mind of Man
Sir Joseph Banks.
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