Copy of a letter written by Philip Gidley King to the Navy Board, 14 February 1799 (Series 39.037) - No. 0004

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to your candid inspection. I must again obtain your indulgence for this liberty & as I have not proceeded without Mr. Scotts concurrence (who would have made the representation himself but from very proper motives of delicacy) & I hope you will excuse my saying that I have every reason to believe the choice could not have been made of a better Officer or Seaman to command the Ship supposing the proposed alteration to be inadmissable, but should the measure be so fortunate to meet your approbation he will write an official representation on the subject

Signed P.G. King

[Note by Banks?]
in answer too this The Navy board propose to have a doubling of 5 inches extreme breadth tapering downwards put [indecipherable] her Rudder heel to be lenghned & an addition to the false keel but they ask whether the master wishes the faults of the ship may be remeded by taking away the Garden & the barracade which the board woud prefer to the other [indecipherable]

To the Navy board 


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