State Library of NSW
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apply in making excursions, for I now flatter myself that I neither want theory or practice, or inspiration of mind, nor yet liberality on my own part. This opinion I have long had in mind, and would have given it a trial before now had I had the necessaries that were wanted; which I now expect from Sir Joseph Banks. But if I am not to have a horse it will probably put a stop to my intentions until I have an answer from my previous communication. However, I wish to give Sir Joseph an account of what I shall want for to compleat my design, & to know to what length I am to go. Then again make no doubt but what my proposals will meet with his approbation & encouragement. Allowing for the length of time since the commencement of the colony, little or nothing has been done (except in the botanic line) towards a knowledge of it, if we exclude a few travellers, particularly Mr Bass, who at present (in my opinion) stands unrivalled. And probably a long time may elapse before another gives as much intelligence, or excels him. I must beg the favor of you to foreward the packing cases on board the Alexander that are directed to me, as I have not an opportunity of fetching them myself. It happens unfortunate that I do not know their contents before I write to Sir Joseph. I must trouble you for a five pound bill. In the order you gave Mr Gowan, you put down 4 gallons of wine instead of a ball of twine, which I told him to erase. I am packing up a few small papers of seeds to send by Mr Thomson
Parramatta Nov 7th 1802 I am your humble servt George Caley
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