Item 03: Arthur H. Freebody diary, 1 January-30 December 1918 - Page 27

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[Page 27]

[Printed diary page]

Principal Events of the Great War.

Aug. 1. Germany declared War on Russia.
Aug. 2. Germany ultimatum to Belgium.
Aug. 3. Germany declared War on France.
Aug. 4. England declared War on Germany.
Aug. 15. Fall of Liége.
Aug. 23. Japan declared War on Germany.
Sept. 5. End of Retreat from Mons to the Marne.
Sept. 6. Battle of the Marne began.
Oct. 11. Battle of Ypres began.
Nov. 7. Fall of Tsingtau.
Dec. 8. Naval Battle off the Falklands.


Jan. 24. Naval Battle off the Dogger Bank.
Mar. 10. Neuve Chapelle captured.
April 25. Allied Forces landed in Gallipoli.
May 7. Lusitania torpedoed and sunk.
July 9. German S.W. Africa captured.
Aug. 15. National Register taken in Great Britain.
Oct. 12. Nurse Cavell shot in Brussels.
Nov. 13. British attack North and South of the Ancre.
Dec. 2. Fall of Monastir.


Feb. 16. Fall of Erzrum.
Feb. 21. Battle of Verdun.
April 24. Dublin Rebellion.
May 31. Battle of Jutland.
June 5. Lord Kitchener lost in H.M.S. Hampshire.
July 15. Delville Wood taken.
July 27. Capitain Fryatt shot.
Aug. 27. Roumania declared War on Austria.
Sept. 15. Somme advance.
Sept. 26. Fall of Combles and Thiepval.
Oct. 24. French Victory at Verdun.
Nov. 1. Great Italian advance on the Carso.
Nov. 13-17. British advance on the Ancre.
Nov. 18. Monastir recaptured.


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