Item 03: Arthur H. Freebody diary, 1 January-30 December 1918 - Page 13

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[Page 13]

Heading for Reports continued.

Position. - Nature (whether bridge, fort, village, wood, etc.), extent, nature of ground in front of and on flanks, any heights near, how occupied, best line of approach for attacking force, position of water.

Railway. - Gauge between rails, number of tracks, sleepers (wood, iron or pens), embankment, cuttings, tunnels, bridges (their length, h eight, width, etc.), telegraph.

Ravine. - Depth, width, nature of banks, bushy or rocky.

Redoubt.  - See Fort.

River. - Depth, width, current, nature of banks, bottom, watering places, crossings, boats, materials for rafts.

Road. - Nature (made or unmade), width, height above surrounding country, fences alongside, repairing material.

Station. - See Buildings ; also state number of platforms and their length and width, number of entrances to them, amount of coal, spare rolling stock, rails, etc., sleepers, water tanks, telegraphs.

Supplies. - Amount of food or men, such as meat (living or dead), flour, vegetables, groceries, fuel, etc., and forage, such as oats, mealies, grain, barley, hay, grass, etc.

Telegraph. - Number of wires,  height of poles and their material, direction in which line runs.

Town. - Extent, i.e., length and width, number of inhabitants or houses, material, etc. (describe as in Buildings), situation (as for Position), and its sources of water and gas supply, also its supplies (as above).

Transport. - Number of waggons, carts, mules, horses, trucks, etc., or carriers.

Village. See  Towns.

Water. - Whether good for drinking, flowing or stagnant, whether stream, pool, or well and size and depth, how many horses can drink at a time, or whether buckets required.

Wells. - Depth to bottom, depth of water.

Woods. - See Forest.








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