Box 8 Item 04: ' A ' Squadron nominal roll book, 1 August 1918 - Page 14

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[Page 14]

"A" Squadron Nominal Roll

No. Rank Name in full Age on Enlistment Date of Birth Religion Occupation Date of Attestation
2696 A Tpr CAMERON, ​Donald Law Park 19 6/12 5.7.'97 R.C. Clerk 8.2.'17
2667 A
​AB No. 227980
Tpr COX, Cecil Bruce 21 4/12 26.2.'96 R.C. Grazier 23.2.'17
3289 Tpr CALLOPY, Edmund Bertrand 22 3.8.'94 R.C. Carpenter 1.3.'27
Cpl CONE, Ernest Henry 20 6/12 23.1.'95 C of E Labourer 9.9.15
935 Cpl
CUNEO, John Andrew 22 3/12 24.3.'03 C of E Butcher 27.6.15
3470 Tpr CARLON, Clement 20 25.11.'96 R.C. Farmer 25.4.17
3637 Tpr CANNON, Thos. Felix 18 17.5.98 R.C. Clerk 23.4.17
4480 Tpr CASEY, Archibald Donald 17 4/12 6.7.90 R.C. Farmer 3.12.17
1608 Tpr
CONE, Cleve Hunter 23 4/12 9.1.92 C of E Labourer 18.8.18
3044 A

COLLINS, Henry​ Chas. W.


21 14.10.94
C of E Farmer 1.9.'15
97 Sgt CALDOW, Wim Andrew 20 8.6.'94 Pres. Contr. 28.8.14

For remainder of "C" see "Z"

[Schedule continued on Page 15]

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