State Library of NSW
[Page 56]
cobble stone roads.
Tuesday 17.10.16Preparing to move further on to-day. Felt the cold during the night with only 1 blanket. Left Strazelle at 2 pm & marched to Bailleul to entrain, about 9 kilos.After putting wagons on train, moved out about 6 pm. 40 of us to a horse box, quite a tangle when we tried to stretch out.
Wednesday 18.10.16Travelled all night. Disentrained at Longpre at 7.30 AM. Unloaded wagons & marched off at 9 AM. Marched through L'Etoile & on to Ergnies where we arrived & billeted at 3.30 pm. March very heavy owing to the rain & the heavy roads. As usual the shortage of rations did not tend to make the march any easier. People here very ungrateful, even refusing to give a drop of hot
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