[Page 207]
Would the person who may find this book be kind enough to return it to –
Mr W.A. Berry
North Road
[A.D.M.S. = Assistant Director Medical Services. p168
A.D.S. = Advance Dressing Station. p53,71
A.G.H. = Australian General Hospital. p147
A.S.C. = Army Service Corps. p72
C.C.S. = Casualty Clearing Station. p92
D.R.S. = Division Rest Station. p30
M.D.S. = Main Dressing Station. p121,128
R.A.P. = Regimental Aid Post. p21,24,59]
[Place names]
Baupaume = Bapaume p69,88
Belview = Bellevue p88
Butte-de-Warlencourt = see Walencourt below p 106
Carlton Hill = Calton Hill, Edinburgh p162
Etaplse = Etaples p15
Flexicourt = Flixecourt p57
Forveaux = Fourqueux p15
Guerdecourt = Gueudecourt p67
Hazebrook = Hazebrouck p153
Lagnicourt = Lagnicourt-Marcel p120
La Gouge = La Gorgue p20
La-Gourge = La Gorgue p43,44
Le Beoufs = Lesboeufs p72
Mealte = Meaulte p 81,100
Neuriel = Noreuil p120
Newlands = Newlyn p192
Pequigny = Picquigny p58
Poperinghe = Poperinge p174
Pucheviller = Puchevillers p119
Recquotoile = Roquetoire p154
Reincourt = Reincourt les Bapaume p131
Ronesque = Renescure p156
Sallie = Sailly p34
Senlis = Senlis le Sec p137
Steinbecque = Steenbecque p16
Strazelle = Strazeele p55
View Berquin = Vieux Berquin p55
Vauex = Vaux-en-Amienois p 121
Villa de Floss = Villers au Floss p131
Walencourt = Warlencourt Eaucourt. The Butte-de-Warlencourt is an ancient mound nearby dating from Roman times p106
Wardriques = Wardrecques p173
Warloy = Warloy-Baillon p141
Westhoke = Westhoek p175]
[Transcribed by Peter Mayo and Miles Harvey for the State Library of New South Wales]