Item 04: Alfred Bray diary, 19 June 1918-8 February 1919 - Page 16

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[Page 16]

of Spain seeing the mountains of Sierradevarda -

16/12/18 Day broke with N/East coast Algeria of Africa in sight & followed along same during the day experiencing dinkum weather –

17th day light broke with several small islands to starboard
18th Passed Malta on Port Side –

21 Pulled int Port Said & dropped anchor about 4.30. Troops not allowed ashore - broke ship & went into Port Said – Saw main streets & 2 horse trams & returned layed in canal all the time & weighed anchor 2.30

on 22/12/18 both entering Port Said & canal mast heads funnels etc could be seen of sunken vessels – At head of canal passed a big Armenian refugee camp on east bank – big suction of canal at midship – Passed through Suez Canal a very low ratio of speed arriving at Suez – about 6 am on 23 rd – layed in Port Suez & spent Xmas took L.H. of sisters aboard – leaving at 9.30 on Xmas night

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