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yet reached. It is not the fault of the men, but of the system. Ferrier himself told me that at Havre he was offered a classification that would keep him there, because he would be an acquisition to the football team the "heads" were organising; and I know that members of the Battn football team are kept out of the line in order that no risks will be taken of losing them. This seems like taking war seriously!

At the QM Store we helped ourselves to whole rolls of blankets for the night, had a fine tea with all sorts of extras, and found rum plentiful. It was different to the line! Collins & I got a lift on a G.S. Waggon to Dranoutre, where we found the salvage Company housed in very comfortable billets in the stables of a large house, and with fine braziers going.

Jany 21
The Salvage Co does not work on Sunday; and today was my first day at work with it. We drove out in a G.S. Waggon as far as the vehicle limit & then marched ahead to our light work. Having been sent out because of my sickness I found myself carrying 6" shells from an old artillery position to a dump by the light railway where they can be picked up. A 6" shell weighs nearly 94 lbs! – a nice weight to carry any distance on one shoulder!

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