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there is no duty at all, going. Stilll, one of our batch of reinforcements is being evacuated from the same cause. The news is around that the first Battalion is going to the line tomorrow. I saw Bob Humphries, who is second in command of B Co, & he said he'd gladly try to get me with them. The second brigade, which was fixed in adjacent villages, seems to be falling going back instead of forward. There is a growing intensity in the gun stunts to the south which seems to indicate that Fritz is getting up his artillery. It seems, now, certain – in fact it is official – that the Germans have gained big successes in the north, and that the Pork & Beans (Portuguese) simply ran away from a position we reckoned impregnable.

April 11th
If anything, the German air activity seems more intense; & the guns are big shells are certainly giving Amiens a bad time. The 1st Battalion moved out with the rest of the brigade, but their direction was back towards Amiens. Possibly they are going to another portion of this front. It seems from "orders" that the Germans are fairly well held here, although likely to make a little more headway to the south. One division may be going there. It seems that our other divisions are responsible for holding the Hun rush.

Current Status: 