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walls the other side and also showed us some Turkish Officers captured at Gallipoli. On returning to our tent we came down from the sublime to the ridiculous for there was one of the boys scratching another's back with a tent peg.
Thursday 24/2/16. Usual routine – One of the boys actually saw a roast duck coming out of the oven in the cookhouse and on asking for a leg the cook was ungracious enough to reply "Do you think it's a centipede"?
Friday 25/2/16. Usual routine.
Saturday 26/2/16 – This afternoon I had another look around Cairo seeing many of the back streets and was absolutely disgusted with the filth and carelessness of the natives.
Sunday 27/2/16 – On fatigue to-day and had my first drive on a mule team with Tad and Donnelly as the other two. The two lead mules were very stubborn and Tad had a good deal of trouble but managed them very well. Later he gave Bray a chance but he only lasted about 10 minutes being unable to keep them in hand. When Tad took them over again he was in an awkward position and ran into a hut first and then a gate post. In the afternoon I had a cut at them, and managed without accidents although at one spot one mules wanted to go one way and one another, the first one nearly walking into the infantry lines, however, we got them going at last and altogether during the afternoon I pulled the bit clean through the mouth of the nearside mule half a dozen times, for he had a very hard mouth and had a trick of opening it to let the bit through.
Monday 28/2/16 – Tuesday and Wednesday – Usual routine except that on Wednesday I was in charge of Camel Guard and had the new experience of feeding, tying down and rugging those curious animals. A rope is tied round the fore feet to keep them bent so that they cannot rise during the night.
Thursday 2/3/16 – This afternoon a violent dust storm sprang up and so we had the afternoon off.
Friday 3/3/16. - to-day we had an organised trip to the Pyramids so of course we all went and Tad, Miers and I had a look at that grand Sphinx, riding on donkeys there and back. My donkey was much