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[Page 56]

[List of names, some crossed through, not transcribed.

Sutton Veny
13 Nov. 1917

Dear Mother

I have just received a large & interesting mail from Australia, seven altogether & a bosca big parcel from Mrs West or St. James Red Cross. The letters were No. 15 & two (No. 16) sixteens from you, a very nice one from Dora and from Bob Ingram, Aunt Jean & Jean. We may get some more yet. Last week I got one from Woody which came through Aunt Greta & therefore got here a few days earlier. With it came a parcel of a muffler, pair of socks & mittens from Rene. This is the biggest wait for mail we have had yet, three weeks since the last & only a couple came then so there it is quite 6 weeks since the last good mail. I suppose the delay was caused by the strike but one does not mind waiting so long as they turn up in the end.

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