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When we got to Alexandria I found a letter waiting for me It had been readdressed from the Sydney G.P.O. It was written on the 16 Sept. & in it you ask me wether I would care to go to Louis Dreyfus & Co (next time I am in Sydney) & try & get on there. Well as it happens I had a letter from Phillip to the same effect but as it happens at the present I am unable to take advantage of his suggestion. When all the present trouble in Europe is over & if I should decide to return to Australia again (I am thinking very seriously of going to the Argentine or Peru, or Mexico or Venezula or some South American country) I will if I am given the opportunity to obtain a billet there give the subject my most ernest consideration for the present however I must shelve it. That is about all there is to answer in that letter.
Well now I really must commence to bring this letter to a close. I expect Joe thinks I ought to have done that long ago. Tell Dolly I have a lot of Post Cards for her & will send them sometime next week. I am also sending a few Australian trinkets. One for you, one for Dolly, one for Aunty one for Sam one for Joe, Dad. Also a pack of Pictorial playing cards for the house. Give my best & kindest regards to Aunty, Katy, Fanny Phillip, Mrs Gough & sons Mr & Mrs Holmes the [indecipherable] & all Aunty's Chevirlite [?] also Mr & Mrs Gray & Mr & Mrs Frost, Mr & MrsElston, Mrs Bedison & everyone else. Hoping that this will find you in the very best of health as it leaves
[Louis Dreyfus & Co. is an international commodities trading company]