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And he must have required, a more than common share of fortitude,  to support him through his long sufferings; and yet with all the insults and calumny they can put upon him;  he preserves his dignity with wonderful magnanimity.  It is realy shocking to a generous mind to see a man who has spent a long life in the service of his country; and who has so long held his Kings commission, and gained Destinguished honor, in fighting, the battles of his King, and country; so abused;  The consciousness of his own uprightness and goodness of his intentions can alone support him under such mortyfying afflictions - -

        I have Sir from a sense of Duty, and the wrongs, the Governor has suffered, been moved to give him  my most hearty support; respect and attachment to my Governor; I consider as loyalty to my Sovereign;  and though I have suffered greatly for that attachment, and am now for it, immured in a Jail; my sentiments will ever be the same -  Yet Sir I have lost my liberty, because I would not deny my Governor; and applaud treason.  Your humanity will be shocked when I tell you, that my wife and five young children have been left exposed, in the greatest Distress, in the open Country.  The author of this inhuman treatment is; Lieutenant Gov, Foveaux, and such was the severity of this gentleman towards me that all my effects were in a [manner?] doomed to Destruction, my eight years industry, was by one sweep of his authority to be annihilated; for when he took me from my family he would not so much as allow a man to get in my harvest, which was then ripe;  ordering every soul from my farm except my wife and five young children.  he had better have put me and them to military execution.  I have been now nine weeks buried in the gloom of a Prison and such is the rigour of my confinement that no friend is allowed to visit me nor to write to me;  but I would rather loose my life than give up my loyalty or sacrifice my honor;  I Glory in suffering in the Governors cause, for it is the cause of truth, and public Justice.  I can only grieve when I think of the sufferings and 

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