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Leave it to Professors well briefed of my Politics with no with me as only intended allowed to fill up the interests of Science that I have the chance of finding time enough to make me even a bad much less a good Lawyer.

The Justice I apprehend to be [indecipherable] for many the inhabitants of the new settlement in N.S.W. [indecipherable] the according to Law in the [indecipherable] of many of the Indian & [indecipherable] of the Indies Company will allow them. 

If the [indecipherable] Laws allow them to present the same privileges of the Colonies of the W. Indies [indecipherable] the question is answered if not it is for the Cabinet to determine what proportion they shall be granted & then &x what particular Places that [indecipherable] shall be annexd when this is determined you no doubt will be called upon to make the [indecipherable] of the Cabinet effective according to the intention of H.M. & this I have no doubt you will correctly do.


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