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Governor King ordered his Grocer to furnish me with as much had sugar as he (The Governor) thought proper, and also some shot, for he said I could not get any in New South Wales, though powder I might; the former had it not been for customs, I would have gone without, for I think it is carrying the matter to too great an expence. Whatever another person can live upon I can do the same.
Soon after I had sent you the small plant enclosed in the letters, with much trouble I got to my books, and found it to be nothing more than Campanula hybrida in a minute state, owing to its porched elevated growth. It was one of the few that was not in Mr. Curtis's desideratae of British plants the time that I was with him. Its Corolla being deeply divided, never caused me to think of its being a Campanula. The drawing that you sent to me, I will do my best to prove whether it is a deception or not. The Garden on board the ship is in a flourishing state.
I am with the greatest esteem
and regard, your humble and obedient,
but much indebted Servant
George Caley
Porpoise, Spithead,
June 25th 1799.
[note by Sir Joseph Banks:-]
June 17 sent him £10 -