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June 25 '99

Sir Joseph

It is with great reluctance that I inform you that my expectation of the Porpoise Sailing with the East India fleet has proved abortive.  When that fleet was getting under way, it was said we should in a few days set sail, along with the Lancaster;  but now there is nothing said about the matter.  Gov. King has now left the ship and took lodgings in the Isle of Wright, but I am told it is only for a few days;  these few days, I am afraid will prove as usual, that is a few months.  I cannot conceive how these delays are caused.  Every now and then, great hustle is made, and we are going to sea immediately; but hither to this all has proved pointless.  It is highly mortifying to see fleets after fleets to sail, that were said that we should have gone with.  Being kept in this suspence, is worse to me than being in a prison, by not knowing the time when the mind will be released.  It is very disagreeable being on Ship board in an harbour in this capacity. and with being so much crowded, so as to have a very disagreeable birth.    All inconveniences I should very gladly put up with was the ship to set sail.  There is another very disagreeable circumstance that I cannot help 

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