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Joseph Banks Esqr Bt
To Jam.s Codd-
8 Febry 1772
To 12 Large Strong Chests
with Superfine best plate Locks } -------- 24 : 0 : 0
and Large Strong hingis - a pr £2
Lab.r to Mending 12 Large Chests }----- 2 :1: 0
Cleaning Locks hingis &c 27 [?] }
2/12 ft 1½ Inch Scales to Mend dº.------------ 5 : 0
To 2 Strong glass Bottle caisis with
petions Strong Locks and hingis d.º} -- 5 :16: 0
To a Strong Chest Lined With Mates}
With Lock and hingis .. } ----1 : 1 : 0
a Cot bottom--------------------------------------- 5 : 0
5 grose of Strong Iron Cramps ---------------5 : 5 : 0
3 thousand of 20.d. Nales ----------------------1 : 7 : 0
1 grose of Inch Crews & thousand of 3d Clout nales : 14 : 0
160 ft Sup.of 1½ Inch deal plained
and grooved to Shelves in Landrey at [?].} --2 :13 : 2
a Lock and hingis 1d Long Caise ------------------: 1 : 2
a lock and hingis the Boys Chest ------------------: 3 : 2
a Drawer and Lock to Butlers pantrey ------------: 3 : 0
3 Dozn of pact. in Coards ----------------------------:18 : 0
------------------------------------------------------------£28 :12 :10
8 June 1772 Receivd the Contents in full of all demands per Mr
Jam.s Codd