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Having lately read some Paragraphs in the News-paper, relative to the [making?] a Settlement on Falklands Island & finding that You and Your worthy Colleague (Mr: Banks) have the principal management of that affair I have taken the Liberty of writing to You to offer Myself & Family to go with You; a Liberty, which I hops You'll excuse, if my request cannot be complyd, with. - it will be necessary to give You a particular account of my Family & Circumstances, which is as follows I have a Wife & three small Children, & a Sister that will be glad to go with us . - our Characters (which I flatter Myself will bear the strictest Scrutiny) may be known by writing a line to Counsellor Collott of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, or Mr: Humphries of the Same place. - the Buisness I have followd, of late is that of a Wholesale Hosier, but by a [indecipherable] of Misfortunes I am greatly reduced, - If any