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H. M. S. Investigator Sheerness
23d March 1801
Not having been yet favor'd with the intentions of your Honrable Company, relative to the allowance which you and Mr Cotton were pleased to say would be given to the Officers of His Majesty's Ship Investigator, to be employed in the territory of the Honble Company, under the head of Balta Money. I beg leave to request, that as the time of our Sailing draws nigh, and as your decisions will necessarily have some effect upon our private Outfit, you will be good enough to favor me with the necessary information, and as some guide to your regulations, I beg leave to state the manner in which the Officers and Men of Science will be divided, the four professional Gentlemen will mess in the Cabin with me, the Lieutenants, Master, and Surgeon in the Gunroom and the Gardener and practical Miner will form a Mess by themselves.
I have also to request, that Mr. Dalrymple may be ordered to furnish me with such Geographical and Nautical information
Hugh Inglis Esq.r