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Port Jackson 23d May 1793
Dear Sir
I embrace the opportunity of the Kitty's sailing for England, to inform you of my arrival at this place on the 23rd of last March. when I left Norfolk Island every thing promised well the Crops were excellent indeed, but I fear as the ground is clear'd there will in time be a scarcity of water. The two New Zelanders that are sent to Govr King will possibly put them in a way of dressing the Flax so as to make it usefull to the Inhabitants which will be a great point carried .
My two letters by the Pitt and Atlantic with the Specimens I hope you have received safe, it will give me great satisfaction if any of them are worth your accepting. The short time I have been here puts it out my power sending any thing by the present opportunity but by the next you may expect something new as I propose a journey to the blue mountains very soon in which Major Grose promises me every assistance. There is a small phial with a curious little plant in spirits for you in charge of the agent Lt. Woodriff also
March 5. 94. July 29 1794