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is if we we are to judge from his own Professions) who speaks of him with the greatest respect, and seeming regard. The Circumstance runs thus;  a Boat from the Supply, coming in one Day, when it was bad landing, he was ordered to lay out at the Back of the Reef and close under the Point, to be ready for assistance, in case of an Accident, but the current, which constantly sets from the Eastward, (and along the Reef) drove him, unavoidably, from his Station, which, in trying to regain, he was met by some very heavy surfs, that took his Boat on her Broadside, and sent them, with surprizing precipitation, on the Western Reef, which swamp'd and upset the Boat; and, by the numberless holes, and Gully, which are irregularly interspersed along the Reefs, with the continuance of some very heavy Surfs, and strong under tow, He, with 3 of the Boats Crew were, unfortunately drowned. (The other one Man was saved by luckily hitting the Passage, and being a good swimmer) and, to add to this melancholly accident, there were some of his Friends and Shipmates had come on Shore, that day, to see him, who had the mortification to see him drowned, within 30 yards of them, without being able to render themselves of the least Assistance. (for further explanation concerning the Reefs, vide Chart No3.  A similar accident, unavoidably happened on the 17th of this Month (August) when the landing was not, altogether, bad; but, the Current being so strong, and the surfs following closely after the Boat, (being our Large Cutter, saved from the Wreck, 24 feet Keel, which is too long for this

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