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Stratton Jan 23d 1789


I have not been well one day since i received the honour of your polite letter of the 20th of November, or should certainly have offered you my thanks.  Your humanity will plead my excuse for my seeming neglect.  Sir after a shameful long delay, i have filled up the vacant Column with the Wood Anemone according to your Order, & humbly present it to you.  If (with its abundance of thanks) you should think it may afford any amusement to the Curious, & it should pass the printing Committee;  it seems to me to be too imperfect to be called a Calendar: but should rather be named, Some symptoms of Spring observed by Robert Marsham of Stratton in Norfolk F.R.S. Latitude 52º.45'.  Perhaps too the Columns should be differently placed?  e.g. The Flowers following each other; & the leafing of Trees, in the like way, & the singing & appearing of Birds, in their order.  But in these matters, i wish they should be ordered by your better judgement.  But i have strong reason to believe that you will think it too trifling to appear in print.  I can only wish it was fuller, as i most heartily wish it in my power to shew my esteem & respect for our very worthy & ingenious President, being Sir, your most obedient

humble servant

R. Marsham

turn over,

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