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incomparably different from any which had before been describ'd by any writers on Botany. The inhabitants who were of a moderate size, were friendly to us: but seem'd to have no provisions to spare, nor if they had would it have suited our palates: being generally the flesh of seals. We found however a kind of water cress (cerdamine) [cardamine] & a kind of parcely (apium) which we made into soupe; & no doubt, rip'd [reaped] benefit from their antiscorbutik virtues : tho' in reality none of our people were absolutly ill of the scurvy.
From hence we sail'd on the 21st January & having passed Cap Horn & pass'd sufficiently to the westward of ye Coast of America; we sail'd in almost a N.W. direction for the Island of Otaheite, [Tahiti] the Taiti of Mr Bougainville, which was the place of our destination. On ye 4th of April we saw land, may be the 4 Facardin of that gentleman, & from thence passing by several low islands, arriv'd at ye place of our Destination. On ye 13th of the same month the inhabitants receiv'd us wth great politeness: but it was visibly the Effect of Fear we immediately created a small stockade defence, & in that observ'd the transit of the Planet Venus over the Sun on the [blank space] of June 1769: for which observation we had the most favourable weather imaginable.
The inhabitants